TRENDS V: Universities shaping the European Higher Education Area
For the first time in the series, this Trends report is based on both quantitative and qualitative research, while previous Trends reports relied on one or other of these two methodologies. Trends V analyses the nature and extent of implementation of the Bologna reforms, and attempts to assess the impact that changes are having on a wider range of institutional development processes. Through comparison with the outcomes of earlier Trends projects, and in particular the Trends III results (2003) that to a large degree addressed the same questions, the report is able to measure the progress that has taken place in implementing higher education reforms.
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Meer in deze editie
Bachelor & master: een nieuw elan in het Nederlands hoger onderwijs?
Hans Vossensteyn
Implementatie van de Bologna-verklaring zet Vlaams hoger onderwijs in beweging
Dirk Coenjaerts, Ton van Weel
Sijbolt Noorda
Studenten voor de stad
Erik Gerritsen
Tien jaar bama
Duco Adema
De belofte van Bologna
Erwin van Braam
Bachelor-master gezien vanuit het bedrijfsleven
Chiel Renique
Bonje door Bologna?
Frank Boterenbrood, Peter van 't Riet
De Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs als kwaliteitsinstrument
Elise van der Erve, Lief Keteleer
Analyse & Commentaar
Annemarie Mars
Boeken & Bladen
Frans de Vijlder
Evaluatie bachelor-masterstelsel
Hidde Terpoorten
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